Season 1 Episode 6

Women in the Climate Movement (Part 2)


Join us for part 2 of the ‘Women in Climate’ episode. Shake Up The Establishment’s President and Co-Founder, Manvi Bhalla, once again sits down with special guests Allie Rougeot and Payton Mitchell to discuss their experience on the intersections of being a woman and youth in the climate activism space. Tune in to listen to an inspiring conversation on sexism that exists in the climate activism space, the value of student movements, and the importance of getting involved. Allie joins us from the organization Fridays for Future Toronto and Payton is a founding member of La CEVES and Climate Strike Canada. Follow our guests on their activism journies at @paytonrosemitchell @alienor.r @fridaysforfutureto @la_ceves @climatestrikecanada


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