Organizations That Support Black Communities
Hayley Brackenridge
My name is Hayley, I use she/her pronouns. I identify as a white settler of so-called Canada with mixed European descent. I currently reside on the traditional territory of the Cree, Anishinabek, Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota Nations and the homelands of the Métis people. This land was ceded to the government in 1874 under Treaty 4 (also known as the Qu’Appelle Treaty), however, this Treaty was established in bad faith as the signatories were not provided legal counsel, generating differences in interpretations of the Treaty under which the Indigenous signatories were not aware that they were agreeing to permanently cede the land. The Indigenous peoples were driven to seek treaty negotiations due to the decline in buffalo populations in the prairies leading to widespread famine. The signatories were left with the understanding that the Crown would “protect and assist” the First Nations, not only during these trying times but as a continuous responsibility, with retention of their rights to self-govern. This, however, was not the case, and the Canadian government did not uphold many of their Treaty 4 commitments. I recognize how this bad faith negotiation paved the way for colonization of this land by settlers, many of them white, and was the foundation for which the town I now call home was built. I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude towards the original caretakers of this land which I am afforded the privilege to work on, play on, and enjoy the beauty of. I also acknowledge my responsibility as a settler of this land to work towards reparation of relationships with these original caretakers. In part of doing so, I respect and support the ongoing work of the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council to ensure the fulfilment of Treaty 4 Obligations.
My whiteness has afforded me privileges in the way I interact with the world, as have my identities as cis, heterosexual, and able bodied. These parts of who I am influence my perception and experiences. I am cognizant of the biases that are formed from my life experience and am committed to a lifelong journey of learning and unlearning these. To me, my role in activism is to grab the mic and pass it on. I do not intend to speak on behalf of people with lived experiences that are not my own, but rather amplify their messages when they are not being heard and bring them into rooms where they are not present. I recognize that many forums for advocacy can be inherently traumatizing, retraumatizing, and further marginalizing for some people. With this realization, I aim to meet people where they’re at in order to prioritize their safety above all else by supporting their needs and desires while keeping myself open to witnessing their stories. Although I love to talk, I love to listen even more, and I don’t take for granted the gift of witnessing another person’s story.

Supporting Black-led organizations, and those that uplift Black communities and businesses, amplifies underrepresented voices and aids in combatting systemic racism. This is a continuously growing list of Black-led and Black-supporting organizations in what is currently Canada. Browse through the categories to find relevant organizations and click the links to find out more.
Climate and Social Justice
[Black Lives Matter is] expansive. [They] are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. [They] also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with [them] along the way, [they] must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities.” Black Lives Matter believes that “we must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front…The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.”
To learn, donate, and share BLM’s calls to action, visit
providing legal representation, summary legal advice and brief services to individual clients
engaging in test case litigation, law reform and community development to improve the laws that affect low income people
giving public legal information sessions to members of the public and other community agencies.”
To access BLAC’s legal services, donate, or become a member, visit
Youth Services
Black Youth Initiative
Health and Education
The Most Nurtured
“Community-based holistic wellness in Toronto (Canada) [was] created by and for Black womxn to become the most nurtured versions of themselves. The Most Nurtured (TMN) embraces the diversity of Black identity from those who identify exclusively with African heritage to those who are bi-racial and multi-racial. This space is yours.
The Most Nurtured is a LGBTQ+, non-binary and trans-inclusive, and anti-oppressive, and anti-colonial space…Through community-based initiatives, [they] create and cultivate opportunities through which Black womxn can become the most nurtured versions of themselves.”
“The Black Health Alliance is a community-led registered charity working to improve the health and well-being of the 1.2 million Black people in Canada… Building on [their] track record as an effective mobilizer and champion, [they] continue to grow our movement for change. Driven by groundbreaking research, strong partnerships, and people, this movement continues to build innovative solutions to improve Black health and well-being, and mobilize people and financial resources to create lasting change in the lives of Black children, families and communities.”
Businesses and Services
“Founded in 1983, the BBPA is a non-profit, charitable organization that addresses equity and opportunity for the Black community in business, employment, education and economic development. [Their] mission: To advance Canada’s Black communities by delivering programs that support business and professional excellence, higher education and economic development. [Their] purpose: To encourage and support the pursuit of entrepreneurship, business, professional excellence, higher education and economic empowerment; To facilitate access to people and resources; To identify and reward excellence in achievement; To establish linkages and co-operate with other organizations on matters pertaining to business, education, economic development and community wellness; To build cross-cultural understanding and promote equity.”
“Specializing in African centred books, Black books for children, black dolls and great gift-giving ideas. Knowledge Bookstore is an independent Afrocentric bookstore located in Brampton Ontario that sells African Canadian, African American, Caribbean and Children books. [They] also offer Black dolls, greeting cards, DVDs, beauty products and gift items not readily available in mainstream stores. Knowledge Bookstore is a community space as well as the go to source for parents, writers, poets, artists and the Black community.”
Visit Knowledge Bookstore at to browse their titles and support Black creatives.
Black Ottawa Connect
“Given that Black people in Canada, and by extension Ottawa, face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, BOC aims to provide a safe space for the Black Communities in Ottawa and Gatineau to be able to come together, share resources, educate and empower one another for full participation in all aspects of Canadian society. Black Ottawa Connect is a non-profit organization on a mission to give Black people a space to gather, to heal & to thrive.”
Suggestions for organizations to feature can be sent to [email protected]