Active Learning Club Module

Just Transition: Part 1


This module will explore the topic of just transition. The understanding and implementation of a just transition is important because it allows for the development of sustainable economies and transition to clean energy alongside a focus on social justice and eradicating inequality and inequity. According to the International Labour Organization a just transition “can be a generator of green jobs that can contribute significantly to poverty eradication and social inclusion.”(1)

The core of this module investigates the question “What is a just transition?” and uses a variety of resources to try and answer that question.  Also provided are a list of resources to further learn and engage with the topic, exploring some success stories and resources that expand the understanding of a just transition. This list is not exhaustive and it is encouraged that further research and exploration of this topic is done for ongoing education.

  1. International Labour Organization. Frequently Asked Questions on just transition.–en/index.htm#

What is a Just Transition?

The following resources allow for a primary introduction to a just transition. Before beginning this section reflect on the following questions:

    • At this point in your understanding, what do you think ‘just transition’ means? (If you don’t know, that is also totally valid!)
    • What questions do you have about a just transition?
    • What is one thing you are hoping to learn from reviewing these resources?
  1. Just Transition – Climate Justice Alliance (read 10 min)
  2. About Just Transitions – Just Transition Initiative (read 10 min)
  3. What is a Just Transition and Why Does it Matter? (watch 8 min)

Digging Deeper: Details and Stories for a Just Transition

Review the following resources to learn more about just transition and what that looks like specifically for what is currently known as Canada. The International Labour Organization offers a lot of context and information on just transition in addition to their full guidelines (found in further learning section).

Reflect: What are ways that you can promote education and action for a just transition in your community / province?

Further Learning

The resources below allow for an expansion of knowledge of just transition and offers a variety of perspectives and success stories. Explore these resources and use them as a catalyst for finding additional resources outside of this list.


Thinking about your own community, what ways could a just transition benefit it? What might this look like for your community? (examples: creation of jobs, community planning addressing the housing crisis,  transitioning away from coal, etc.).

What is something you learned from this module? How does that impact your understanding of a just transition?

Action Item:

If you feel called and inspired SUTE encourages you to contact your local Member of Parliament (MP) or local Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) and let them know that you demand action towards a just transition. You could even use some of your reflections to guide your letter. You can find more information about contacting government officials here.

Reminder: This module is not exhaustive, and there is no certificate or recognition for these efforts. This is a lifelong commitment to learning, unlearning and sustaining the climate justice movement with informed advocacy. We are always open to feedback–please email [email protected] if you have anything you’d like for us to know!

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