Environmental Justice: Racism and the Climate Crisis
Anna Huschka
My name is Anna (she/her), and I am a white settler located on the lands of the Williams Treaty First Nations – the Alderville First Nations, Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island, Chippewas of Rama, Curve Lake First Nation, Hiawatha First Nation, and Mississaugas of Scugog Island. I do not intend to speak on behalf of any communities I am not a part of. I hope to leverage my position of privilege as a cisgender white woman to amplify the efforts and voices of those doing so much work towards climate justice in their communities across the country. I want to be a part of challenging the Euro-settler-centric and Western values that currently shape climate policies, to counteract colonial and systemic barriers, ensuring that the concerns, exposures, and knowledges of diverse communities are adequately incorporated into environmental policies and projects. As a part of the Shake Up Your Community project, I hope to help support climate work at all scales and showcase the community-based efforts that have developed out of necessity of addressing the issues of climate justice. As a biology major and politics minor, my passion for environmental politics developed from a sense of urgency and anger about the lack of action by decision-makers to adequately address the climate crisis. I aim to hold decision-makers accountable to climate commitments as well as diversify what is currently Canada’s political climate by identifying gaps in policies and projects by responding to calls for public feedback. Through the Righting History Project, particularly Practicing Rest, Recovery, Resistance: An Interactive Dreaming Journal, I hope to help youth see that their existence, and any contributions they make to the climate movement as a whole, regardless the scale, are beautiful acts of resistance to our colonial, capitalistic society.

Amidst a revolution calling for justice for Black victims of police brutality, it may feel right to put the climate crisis on hold and face the battle of systemic racism. However, the issues of racism and climate change are interconnected in many ways and drawing these parallels will help in shedding light on a manifestation of systemic racism: environmental racism.
- https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice
- https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/chapter/14/
- https://www.naacp.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Fumes-Across-the-Fence-Line_NAACP-and-CATF-Study.pdf
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228226535_Environmental_Racism_and_First_Nations_A_Call_for_Socially_Just_Public_Policy_Development
- https://www.ecojustice.ca/case/defending-the-rights-of-chemical-valley-residents-charter-challenge/
- https://canadianlabour.ca/why-canadas-unions-are-highlighting-environmental-racism-during-black-history-month/
- https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G17/239/60/PDF/G1723960.pdf?OpenElement
- https://www.thetelegram.com/news/canada/nova-scotia-mps-bill-targets-environmental-racism-417068/