B.C. Not On Track To Meet Climate Targets: Urgent Action Needed to Confront Climate Emergency
Angelo Maurer
My name is Angelo (he/they) and I’m an uninvited guest and settler of European, Arab and Latin American ancestry on the unceded and unsurrendered Coast Salish Territories, particularly on xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) life, lands, and waters, who have been tolerant to my presence, for which I am grateful and indebted. As a queer climate justice advocate, I truly believe that more livable, prosperous and equitable worlds are within reach and they are in the making, even in the midst of pain. And there, exactly, lies the silver lining and the reason to keep our heads high. We can have a very different social-ecological project that reduces harm and builds care as the core and centre. Love Care. I acknowledge the privilege it takes to be able to choose to do this work.

The B.C. Climate Emergency Campaign is a group of civil society organizations, anxious about the climate emergency, who are collaborating to increase the ambition of climate policy and action in B.C.

Since 2021, the campaign has been calling on the provincial government to develop and implement a transformative climate emergency plan that recognizes the interconnected nature of climate, ecological, and social crises; embeds equity, anti-racism, and social justice at its core; and upholds Indigenous Title and Rights, and Treaty Rights. (1) Since then, more than 550 organizations from diverse sectors of society representing over 2.2 million people in what is currently B.C. have signed an open letter urging the provincial government to implement these 10 actions to truly confront the climate emergency. (1)

Here is a brief summary of the 10 actions and their individual progress up to November 2023:
- Set binding climate targets based on science and justice – FAIL
- Invest in a thriving, regenerative, zero emissions economy – MINOR PROGRESS
- Rapidly wind down all fossil fuel production and use – FAIL
- End fossil fuel subsidies and make polluters pay – MINOR PROGRESS
- Leave no one behind – MINOR PROGRESS
- Protect and restore nature – MINOR PROGRESS
- Invest in local, organic, regenerative agriculture and food systems – MINOR PROGRESS
- Accelerate the transition to zero emission transportation – MINOR PROGRESS
- Accelerate the transition to zero emission buildings – MINOR PROGRESS
- Track and report progress on these actions every year – FAIL
To better understand these scores, you can access the full report here. (1)
Why have a BC Climate Emergency Campaign?

Although what is currently B.C. claims to be a leader in climate action, the province’s emissions have risen 27% since 1990, and they have effectively remained flat over the last 20 years. (5) In fact, the province is still the second largest provider of fossil fuel subsidies in what is currently Canada, second only to what is currently Alberta. (5) As such, we contend that what is currently BC’s:
emissions reduction targets do not align with climate science
plan to meet its emissions targets is incomplete and inadequate
support for LNG (natural gas) is exacerbating climate change (5)
If you live in what is currently B.C. and this inspired you to take action, make sure to check how to support this campaign individually or through an organization! Feel free to also visit Shake Up Your Community’s new bulletin board “Infiltrate the System” for climate justice news and calls-to-action across what is currently Canada!
BC Climate Emergency Campaign. Confront the Climate Emergency: an Urgent Call to the B.C. Government, November 2023 Progress Report [Internet]. BC Climate Emergency Campaign. Vancouver, B.C.: BC Climate Emergency Campaign; 2023 Nov [cited 2023 Nov 10] p. 1–48. Available from: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/632a10e8bb5f3937c1451130/t/65490e73f85a894890fbaedf/1699286645977/BCCEC+Progress+Report+November+2023.pdf
Bowman G. B.C. climate disasters cost up to $17B: study | CityNews Vancouver [Internet]. Vancouver City News. 2022 [cited 2023 Nov 11]. Available from: https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2022/12/01/bc-climate-disasters-cost-study/
Lee M, Parfitt B. A Climate Reckoning The economic costs of BC’s extreme weather in 2021 [Internet]. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives . Vancouver, B.C.: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ; 2022 Nov [cited 2023 Nov 10] p. 1–56. Available from: https://policyalternatives.ca/climate-reckoning
BC Climate Emergency. Fracking and LNG [Internet]. BC Climate Emergency Campaign. BC Climate Emergency Campaign; 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 11]. Available from: https://bcclimateemergency.ca/fracking-and-lng
BC Climate Emergency Campaign. Our Work [Internet]. BC Climate Emergency Campaign. 2021 [cited 2023 Nov 11]. Available from: https://bcclimateemergency.ca/the-campaign